Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Does Obama Lack a Political Identity?

Unfortunately, Obama is just another empty suit politician.

in reference to:

"Princeton University's Julian Zelizer echoes a growing criticism: that Americans don't know what Mr. Obama stands for. "I don't think Obama has a message yet," Zelizer said "I think he is an elusive figure and a figure that has not defined himself politically." And that elusiveness is especially harmful in a time of economic insecurity. If Americans were asked, in Ronald Regan's famous phrase, "Are you better off than you were a year ago?" - few would answer yes. Not coincidently, nearly half of Americans think President Obama has done too much for banks; more than half say he's done too little for the middle class. Moreover, the very trait that served him well during the campaign - a cool, calm demeanor - may be cutting against him now. To put it another way: "Who's afraid of Barack Obama? "The only way for a President to move forward is to be willing to use the hammer, so to speak, to get people to vote his way," Zeziler said."
- Does Obama Lack a Political Identity? - CBS Evening News - CBS News (view on Google Sidewiki)

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