Japan jobless rate falls to 5.1 percent in August - Yahoo! News
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thousands face job loss when stimulus expires
12:37 AM
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Third-party bids, write-ins might tip close races
This is what happens when voters are given very little choice. Not until we have real choice in American politics will we be spared the spectacle of a defeated candidate running as a write-in.
4:41 PM
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Report: Poor science education impairs U.S. economy
Article Link
- This is why America is crumbling. A nation that doesn't take education seriously will not be much of a nation for too long. And education does not mean sticking kids in a classroom. It is a culture. Just look at the fact that immigrants from Asia do better than native Americans. We a need to create a society/system that puts education first.
11:04 PM
U.S. Scrutinizes Beijing's Hold on Key Metals
Article Link
- This is damn serious. The U.S. government has done nothing but allow China to become a threat to America. We are seeing a repeat of what happened with Japan prior to Pearl Harbor and al Qaeda prior to 9/11. China becomes a greater threat every day. We need to wake up before it's too late. One day soon China will be able to blackmail us. Beijing is already trying to intimidate Japan.
10:49 PM
Senate Delays Vote on Bush-Era Tax Cuts
Senate Delays Vote on Bush-Era Tax Cuts - NYTimes.com
Democrats have decided not to seek a pre-election showdown on the soon-to-expire Bush tax cuts, saying lawmakers will instead wage the legislative battle with Republicans in a lame-duck session in November.
- This is what it's come to. The Democrats, despite having control of both house of Congress, have completely caved. They won't even vote on keeping the tax cuts for the vast majority of Americans. Why? Because they are afraid of the Republicans. This pure cowardice was ridiculed by the pro-Democrat Keith Olbermann.
- Specifically: Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, is in a tough re-election campaign. He doesn't want to give ammunition to his opponent. Do you need anymore reason to vote the career incumbent Reid.
10:31 PM
Justice Department objects to court action on "don't ask, don't tell"
Justice Department objects to court action on "don't ask, don't tell" - CNN.com
The Obama administration is objecting to a request for an immediate halt to the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy after a federal court ruled that the policy barring gays from serving openly is unconstitutional.
..."We are not surprised by this but we are extremely disappointed with the Obama administration. Many times on the campaign trail, President Obama said he would support the repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell.' Now that it's time to step up to the plate, he isn't even in the ballpark," said Clarke Cooper, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans.
- This President has betrayed almost every group that supported his run for the White House in 2008.
10:15 PM
Meg Whitman opposes measure delaying California climate law
Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman today came out against a ballot initiative that would indefinitely delay California's landmark global warming law, saying she supports a more limited suspension.- A small defeat for the oil industry and their anti-environment, anti-global warming lobbying.
...Proposition 23, which is primarily funded by Texas oil companies Valero Energy Corp. and Tesoro Corp., would delay the global warming law, known as AB32, until California's unemployment falls to 5.5 percent and stays there for a year. That has only happened three times during the last three decades.
4:01 PM
Are Social Conservatives Losing Their Voice in the GOP?
According to Politico, Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence fought behind closed doors to get something on social issues included in the document; some Republicans thought it should stay away from such issues altogether. An effort to add something into the Pledge along the lines of the Defense of Marriage Act reportedly failed.
The language on social issues was enough for Dr. Robert George, founder of the American Principles Project, who said in a statement that his group is "pleased that the Republican leadership saw the wisdom of honoring our demand for a clear statement of commitment to life, marriage, and the free and full participation of religious believers and faith-based institutions in our public life."
In light of the relatively little attention social issues get in the Pledge, however, that seems like a pretty optimistic take. Social issues were a major part of the Republican platform during the Bush administration, particularly gay marriage: President Bush backed a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, and anti-gay marriage ballot initiatives were used to help get voters out to the polls.
3:47 PM
NYTimes: Cuomo’s Image as Unstoppable Suffers a Blow
NYTimes: Cuomo’s Image as Unstoppable Suffers a Blow
- Lots of New Yorkers, like Americans in general, don't believe in coronations. We fought a war to get rid of the monarchy. Now we are being told that a Cuomo should ascend the throne because his father was Governor. The question is whether we succumb to the standard excuse that he is the lesser of two evils. When the real issue is lack of choice. Don't continue to fall for the shell game scam. Assert your independence.
1:22 PM
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58% of independents are upset with politics: poll
- Independent voters of America unite. The sooner we stop supporting the corrupt two party system the better. But time is running out for America.
12:27 PM
Significant Developments in Terror Threats Since 9/11, Officials Say
Significant Developments in Terror Threats Since 9/11, Officials Say - ABC News
- This only highlights the need for an agency dedicated to fighting terrorism. The FBI is not cut out for this type of work despite all those arrests. They a crime fighting outfit. Terrorism is more than crime. It is also geopolitical and military. The greatest terrorist threat is cyber. And for that we are totally unprepared.
11:45 AM
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Clinton: I Don't Think Dems Are Putting Up A Good Fight Yet (VIDEO)
What this hypocrite doesn't mention is that he cost the Democrats control of Congress when he was President because of his selfish tactics. Obama is doing the same.
10:34 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Video: Townhall with President Obama on the Economy
Video Link
- The President got some tough questions from at least 2 of his supporters at this townhall hosted by CNBC.
8:39 AM
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Consumer prices rise, but underlying trend flat
10:47 AM
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Mom charged after teaching 2-year-old child to smoke pot: VIDEO
12:18 PM
Most want tax cuts for America's wealthiest to expire: poll
12:15 PM
Most voters hold unfavorable views of Palin, Tea Party: poll
12:14 PM
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Aging Gas Pipes at Risk of Erupting Nationwide
11:31 AM
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Terry Jones Played the Media
It's becoming increasingly clear that Terry Jones had no intention of burning the Koran. It was a publicity stunt. And the media played along with it. In the process he got the U.S. government to get on it's collective knees and grovel before the almighty Pastor. Politicians being the media whores that they are also deserve blame for playing Jones's game.
This individual should have been ignored from the outset. No one knew who Terry Jones was 1 week ago. And it should have remained that way after he started making his childish threats. But press couldn't resist. They saw how much profit was being made from the "Ground Zero Mosque" controversy. This time they went over the line. The media has lost all sense of decency. And now we are all endangered, including our troops in Afghanistan.
There will be a next time. The media will once again hold America hostage. We are mere pawns for an all powerful media bent on sensationalistism.
- Take back your government: VoterTermLimits.com
5:29 PM
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Mistakes were made: Charter Revision Commission must correct its glaring errors
The folks who denied New Yorkers a vote on a true term-limits proposition now acknowledge that, in the process, they made a hash of the November ballot.
12:18 PM
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Report: Castro blasts Ahmadinejad as anti-Semitic (AP)
Report: Castro blasts Ahmadinejad as anti-Semitic (AP)
- The pot calling the kettle black.
5:27 PM
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What recession? Election spending sets records ahead of midterms
12:16 PM
Video: Anti-Muslim Hate is Spreading
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
9:32 AM
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Obama Unpopular Ahead of Midterms: Will the GOP Benefit?
A sense of disappointment, bordering on betrayal, has been growing across the country, especially in moderate states like Indiana, where people now openly say they didn't quite understand the President they voted for in 2008. The fear most often expressed is that Obama is taking the country somewhere they don't want to go. "We bought what he said. He offered a lot of hope," says Fred Ferlic, an Obama voter and orthopedic surgeon in South Bend who has since soured on his choice. Ferlic talks about the messy compromises in health care reform, his sense of an inhospitable business climate and the growth of government spending under Obama. "He's trying to Europeanize us, and the Europeans are going the other way," continues Ferlic, a former Democratic campaign donor who plans to vote Republican this year. "The entire American spirit is being broken."
1:09 PM
Some Say Hawaii Farm Too Big To Fail After Farmers Convicted of Human Trafficking
It pays to be rich and powerful. The laws don't apply like for everyone else:
Two prominent, popular brothers who operate the second-largest vegetable farm in Hawaii will be sentenced in federal court this week on human trafficking charges -- they pleaded guilty -- but two former state governors, community groups, fellow farmers and other supporters are trying to keep them out of prison.
12:40 PM
Dems run away from health care
A handful of House Democrats are making health care reform an election year issue — by running against it.
At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party’s health care reform bill are highlighting their “no” votes in ads back home. By contrast, party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
12:31 PM
'Republican Strategist' Calls Islam a "Joke"
GOP propagandist, Jack Burkman, appeared on MSNBC this morning and proceeded to use anti-Muslim hate speech. This is only the latest example of the Republicans using bigotry as a political strategy.
11:19 AM
Tens of Millions of 'Missing' Girls
Tens of millions of 'missing' girls - CNN.com
Discrimination against women and girls takes a staggering toll around the world, says author Sheryl WuDunn. It leads to as many as 100 million fewer females than males in the world.
11:06 AM
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Mom of dead, 15 lb child force-fed her sleeping pills: source
Children should examined regularly to detect malnutrition and other forms of abuse before a child dies or is seriously abused.
9:54 PM
Why We Need The Assault Weapons Ban
Guns are everywhere in America. They're even found by police when not even looking for them:
A Sutter County man arrested Friday "had the most firepower I've seen in a single location," a veteran law enforcement official said.And where are they obtained from. From gun dealers, of course. Even when those gun dealers are not supposed to be selling them. And assault weapons are finding their way to murderous drug gangs in Mexico:
The "appropriately named" Roger Eugene Gunn, 41, had 21 guns, many of them illegal assault weapons, when officers went to his home in the 1700 block of Edwards Lane to check on a marijuana garden, said Mike Hudson, commander of the Yuba-Sutter Narcotic and Gang Enforcement team.
Federal agents Thursday arrested a Salida man suspected of illegally selling guns, including assault weapons, at his east Modesto gun shop to undercover agents and others posing as Mexican citizens without identification.They are also finding their way into the hands of street gangs in the U.S.:
Robert John Ronning, 42, was arrested on suspicion of illegal gun sales, including the unlawful transfers of unregistered gun silencers and a machine gun, according to a news release from the U.S. attorney's office in Sacramento.
"Selling guns to unknown individuals, especially those without identification, is a dangerous business," U.S. Attorney Benjamin Wagner said in the news release. "Guns trafficked back to Mexico help fuel the cartels and perpetuate the violence over the border."
Two students were arrested Monday armed with assault weapons at the Oakland campus of Laney College on the first day of classes, Oakland police said.And what are these weapons used for? To shoot at the police:
Investigators said the two men with known gang ties had just come out of a class they attended when police moved in for the arrest.
Two men have been charged with attempted murder of a police officer after they allegedly shot and wounded two Chicago police officers during a search on the South Side, officials said.You would think the current President would be supportive of maintaining the ban on weapons that have devastated his hometown of Chicago. But he doesn't:
Not only will the White House not make good on candidate Obama's promise to revive the ban or Holder's announced decision to do so, it won't even talk about the assault weapons ban. Not a word. The reason is obvious: Obama and his aides don't want to spark a backlash from the NRA and voters who cling to their guns—especially as Democrats ride toward a difficult mid-term election.
5:48 PM
Friday, September 3, 2010
Mass Murderers as Victims
The latest would be mass murderer failed because of the quick work of police. But that didn't stop the media from speculating on the motive of the attacker. Did he have a gripe? Was he having marital peoblems? Or did he have some kind of mental aberration?
What ever his problem it's sure to be dramatic. They have to make sense out of the senseless. As if murder were ever justified. And the routine is the same. The interviews of those who knew the assailant and thought he was capable of such evil. He was quiet. The victims are always secondary part of the story. They will be forgotten. Nothing will be learned. It's all about the killer. It's it all about the sensationalism. Crime pays in America.
1:50 PM
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