Thursday, August 12, 2010
Narco-Blogger Beats Mexico Drug War news Blackout
Proof of the role blogging can play in society:
An anonymous, twentysomething blogger is giving Mexicans what they can't get elsewhere — an inside view of their country's raging drug war.
Operating from behind a thick curtain of computer security, Blog del Narco in less than six months has become Mexico's go-to Internet site at a time when mainstream media are feeling pressure and threats to stay away from the story.
9:10 PM
Showcase Afghan Army Mission Turns Into Debacle
- What else would you expect. The whole war is a debacle. The Taliban is just bidding it's time.
7:23 PM
NRA Instructor Shoots Student: What Can We Learn?
This article exposes the myths about the need for handguns in America:
When an NRA safety instructor accidentally shoots a student in one of his classes, is it a teachable moment about guns in America?
But as to guns in the home, we know that for every time they are used in a self-defense shooting, there are four unintentional shootings (as well as seven criminal assaults and eleven attempted or completed suicides). For those who carry guns in public, the benefits are demonstrably not worth the risk. A recent study shows that individuals in actual possession of a gun are over four times more likely to be shot in an assault than persons not in possession of a gun. The research also reveals no evidence that making it easier for people to carry concealed guns reduces crime; indeed, its effect has been to increase aggravated assault.
3:41 PM
Obama, Republicans, and polls -- bad numbers all around
Time for real change in America. Here's your chance. Don't vote for career incumbents. 10 and out!
There's some bad news for President Obama in a new poll, but also some bad news for his Republican opponents.
According to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 52% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy. By a 45-44% margin, they now disapprove of his handling of the Afghanistan war. Also, 40% say the country is worse off since he became president, while only 31% think we're better off.
10:08 AM
The Rand Paul Kidnapping Story Deflates
The Rand Paul Kidnapping Story Deflates
Now, Paul's alleged victim is speaking out and any allegations of kidnapping seem pretty far fetched. In an interview with the Washington Post, the woman said "The whole thing has been blown out of proportion... They didn't force me, they didn't make me... I went along because they were my friends." Her clarification didn't make a huge splash but some took notice:
- The media went along with a smear of a political candidate who is politically incorrect. The establishment views Paul as a threat. And I'm no fan of his or his dad.
10:04 AM
New jobless claims near a six-month high
New jobless claims near a six-month high
New applications for unemployment insurance rose last week to their highest level in almost six months, the latest evidence that some employers are still cutting their staffs.
First-time claims for jobless benefits edged up by 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 484,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. Analysts had expected a drop. That's the highest total since February.
9:57 AM
Term Limits Back to Voters
The politicians want to return what they stole from us. What's to stop them in the future? NYers should vote out every council member that voted to overthrow the will of the people in the last election.
New York City voters will have the opportunity on Election Day in November to restore a law that prohibits elected officials from serving more than two four-year terms, the city's Charter Revision Commission decided Wednesday night.
But in a move that may infuriate the public, the commission voted to approve a so-called grandfather clause to allow all sitting council members to serve a maximum of three terms, even if the electorate decides this fall to restore a cap on two terms.
9:42 AM