Wednesday, October 29, 2008

John, Cindy McCain on 'Hannity & Colmes': Transcript (10-28-08)

Full Transcript.

HANNITY: It is amazing how "Joe the Plumber" — you know, everywhere I go — and I saw a sign here today, "I'm Sally the Homemaker," I'm somebody the Bartender. And I hold up signs whenever I go, "I'm Sean the Loudmouth Talk Show Host."

J. MCCAIN: You know, it's amazing. This "Joe the Plumber" event has really been a catalyst. It really has.

You know we look back on political campaigns. "I paid for this microphone, Mr. Breen." Ed Muskie crying outside The Union Leader, or whatever it was. You know, there are moments when something happens and clearly Senator Obama going to "Joe the Plumber's" driveway and him getting an answer that clearly he didn't like. And by the way, the way that they attacked him? Please.

HANNITY: They've gone after him pretty hard, they've mocked him on the campaign trail. There's been apparently issues of investigating his background.

J. MCCAIN: Oh yes.

HANNITY: And I thought Governor Palin had it bad at one point when they sent a mini army up to Alaska to investigate her.

Well, here's...

J. MCCAIN: And, of course, if anybody in the media, much less "Joe the Plumber," asks a tough question, then they're boycotted, they pull their ads.

HANNITY: I want to get to that, because Senator Obama said it's a tragedy "... that redistribution of wealth was not pursued by the Supreme Court."

J. MCCAIN: That's what's scary. You know, a lot of people believe that there's going to be three vacancies on the United States Supreme Court. And some of the thoughts and writings and statements by Senator Obama about how it's the job of the judiciary to be "redistributed?"

But I think — fast forward after just a short time ago. Senator Obama opposed Justices Roberts and Alito. And he said on ideological grounds. And Sean, a true confession. I voted for Justices Breyer and Ginsburg. Not because I agreed with their philosophy, but because they were qualified to serve.

HANNITY: Even though you...

J. MCCAIN: Even though I had strong disagreements with their ideology. Now Senator Obama wanted to filibuster Roberts and Alito and oppose them because of their quote, "conservative views."

Look, are they qualified? Of course Roberts and Alito are. And so I think, frankly, this is really revealing to Americans who understand the importance of Supreme Court justices.

HANNITY: That's obviously a big issue in the campaign. There may be two, or as you point out, as many as three vacancies on the court.

Let me ask you a couple of simple questions about this redistribution of wealth of "Senator Redistribution."

Is it socialism?

J. MCCAIN: Certainly it's part of the socialist creed, philosophy, to share the wealth. Now if Senator Obama's a "socialist" is something that I'll let those theoreticians decide.

But the fact is that it's a far-left liberal view that you need to take money from one group of Americans and give it to another, to take people who have built up through their labor and their hard work and their dedication to the free enterprise system and take it away from them.

Now, of course we have an obligation to take care of citizens in our society who can't care for themselves. That's why we have those programs, those safety net programs. But you know, the safety net programs, a lot of Americans pay in to Social Security, they pay in to a number of those programs.

So the point is, yes, a society and government takes care of citizens who need our help. That's what America is all about. But nobody that I know of who framed our Constitution had any thoughts that we would take money from one group of Americans and give it to another.

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