Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baptist Preacher Calls for Obama's Death on FOXnews

This is another example of FOX promoting anti-Obama hate. Found this shocking story at Firedog Lake:

Crazy Christian Wiley Drake--pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif., former running mate of American Independent Party presidential candidate Alan Keyes, a former second vice-president of the SBC--boasted after the assassination of Dr George Tiller that he had prayed for Tiller's death. On a recent webcast of his daily radio talk show, Drake the murder of Tiller "an answer to prayer."

Then he appeared on Alan Colm's Fox radio show and explained that Tiller's real sin wasn't abortion but not being right with Jesus, though Dr. Tiller's church thought he was right enough with Jesus to been usher. He also laid out his prayer style to Fox's Alan Combs:

Imprecatory prayer is agreeing with God, and if people don't like that, they need to talk to God. God said it, I didn't. I was just agreeing with God.

When Colms asked if there are others for whom Drake is praying "imprecatory prayer," Drake hesitated before answering that there are several.

The usurper that is in the White House is one, B. Hussein Obama.

Colms then asked:

Are you praying for his death?

Drake replied:


Colms pressed on:

So you're praying for the death of the president of the United States?

The pastor replied:



Buffy Buffstuff said...

I think that preacher is a Magusian. Fake Christians!!! Fake Christians!!! STOP IT, YOU PHONY PHONY FAKES! Read the bible, and learn to love your brothers and sisters like God wanted you too!!! Maybe I'll forgive these false preachers if they admit they're deluded.

Buffy Buffstuff said...

The economy and selfish people are to blame for abortion. WOMEN SHOULD HAVE SEX WITH MEN THEY LOVE AND STOP ACTING LIKE WHORES. Sluts and greed were Tiller's killer.