Thursday, July 9, 2009

U.S. Under Attack by Ciber Terrorists, Particularly China

This is a war that is going on. Who needs bombs when you can destroy America with ciber attacks. A successful major attack on our major computer systems could paralyze us the same way 9-11 did. And as happened then, our government seems incapable of stopping it. You can bet your declining-in-value house that any attack coming from North Korea is being orchestrated by their big brother, China. And if not, then we've got a bigger problem. We are being attacked and don't know where its coming from.

U.S. authorities on Wednesday eyed North Korea as the origin of the widespread cyber attack that overwhelmed government Web sites in the United States and South Korea, although they warned it would be difficult to definitively identify the attackers quickly.

The powerful attack that targeted dozens of government and private sites underscored how unevenly prepared the U.S. government is to block such multipronged assaults.

While Treasury Department and Federal Trade Commission Web sites were shut down by the software attack, which lasted for days over the holiday weekend, others such as the Pentagon and the White House were able to fend it off with little disruption.

The North Korea link, described by three officials, more firmly connected the U.S. attacks to another wave of cyber assaults that hit government agencies Tuesday in South Korea. The officials said that while Internet addresses have been traced to North Korea, that does not necessarily mean the attack involved the Pyongyang government.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

South Korea intelligence officials have identified North Korea as a suspect in those attacks and said that the sophistication of the assault suggested it was carried out at a higher level that just rogue or individual hackers.
Why China:
Defense analysts say that 90 percent of the probes and scans of American defense systems as well as commercial computer networks come from China.

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