Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Joe Lieberman Threatens Filibuster, Neuters Senate Democrats. Again.

Are you a Democrat? Are you proud of your party now? They promised results if they had a "filibuster-proof' majority. Now the Dems spend more time fighting with each other on how or whether to reform health care. Why do Democrats coddle a man who is a well documented traitor to his party? Maybe because they don't care about party loyalty. They are interested only in keeping power. That leaves you out.

in reference to:

"If Harry Reid were Jerry Seinfeld, he'd probably be snarling the name
"Lieberman" through gritted teeth right now,  in true Newman-esque fashion.
The Connecticut senator announced this
afternoon that he'll join a Republican filibuster of the health-care bill
unless the public option provision is changed. In doing so he's effectively
cleared the way for other fence sitters, like Evan Bayh, Ben Nelson, and Blanche
Lincoln to do so as well, and avoid taking as much heat.

When Lieberman, who is technically an Independent, came back to the
Democratic caucus after deserting it in the 2008 election, he could have been
stripped of his committee assignments as punishment for his infidelity.
That's what any party who understands a thing or two about political discipline
might be expected to do. But we're talking about Senate Democrats here, so of
course Lieberman got a light rap on his knuckles. He lost his spot on the
Environment and Public Works Committee, but he retained his coveted position as
Chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. President
Obama was a key Lieberman supporter, encouraging Democrats to let bygones
be bygones. That was the heady aura of D.C. just 11 short months ago. A new
kind of politics. Post-partisanship. Change we can believe in and all that. But
Lieberman's actions today demonstrate that no good deed goes unpunished. I'm
sure many Democratic senators are wishing right now they could take that vote
over. They're probably reminiscing fondly about Ned Lamont.

Democrats shouldn't be surprised though. This is what happens when there's
no price to pay for disloyalty. What's Lieberman got to lose? He can spend the
better part of a presidential campaign trashing the Democratic nominee and yet
be welcomed back into their caucus. What's his motivation to start acting like
a dutiful caucus member? That would only diminish his now-considerable power as
both a committee chair and vote-hedger. To be fair, Democratic motivations
weren't entirely altruistic either. Forgiveness was probably less a
consideration than having an opportunity to exert pressure on Lieberman in the
caucus room, and count him among their 60 precious votes. Leadership knew
health care was on the agenda this year, and they would need his vote. Better
not make him cranky. Besides, Lieberman's most prominent splits with Democrats
have been over foreign policy and national security, where he's long been
closer to McCain's positions. On health-care reform, he'd probably be right at
home in Democratic caucus, right? Um, wrong."
- Joe Lieberman Threatens Filibuster, Neuters Senate Democrats. Again. - The Gaggle Blog - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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