Monday, October 12, 2009

Ostrom, Williamson of U.S. Win Nobel Economics Prize

You'd think it would be a source of great pride to have so many Americans winning Nobel prizes. But there is barely a mention in the media. The winners' names to be forgotten instantly, other than Obama's award. This disconnect shows the lack of societal priorities. We put gossip and entertainment above intellectual attainments. If we glorified education and those that achieve scientific achievement we would begin to become a truly successful society.

in reference to:

"Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson
of the U.S. won the Nobel Economics Prize for their work on
economic governance and the organization of cooperation, making
Ostrom the first woman to win the award."
- Ostrom, Williamson of U.S. Win Nobel Economics Prize (Update1) - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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