Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Report: FBI not reviewing all of its evidence

Not very reassuring.

in reference to:

"An inspector general has found the FBI is still not reviewing reams of evidence collected in counterterrorism cases, and still needs more translators. Glenn Fine, the Justice Department's inspector general, issued a report Monday finding flaws in the FBI's translation and evidence review efforts. The bureau says the inspector general overstates the problem by double-counting recordings. The inspector general says since 2003, the FBI has not reviewed about 47,000 hours of audio files in counterterrorism cases—the equivalent of a single recording running for five and a half years straight. The bureau says the real backlog is only about a tenth of that, or 4,770 hours. The report says there are more than a million hours of audio still needing review in counterintelligence cases."
- Report: FBI not reviewing all of its evidence (view on Google Sidewiki)

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