Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Body Count Hits 10 at Ohio Rapist's House

How does anyone get to kill 10 people in plain site without no one noticing. This is another example of a failed criminal justice system. It is also shows how we, as a society, do not care about our neighbors.

in reference to:

"The number of bodies found in and near a rapist's home rose to at least 10 on Tuesday when authorities unearthed four corpses from the backyard and found a skull in a bucket in the basement. Cleveland police stopped searching for victims for the night and planned to continue on Wednesday. They have extended their efforts to boarded-up homes in the neighborhood where residents complained for years of a stench that one even said "smelled like a dead body." Some in the community want an investigation into why it took so long to trace the grisly source."
- Body Count Hits 10 at Ohio Rapist's House - CBS News (view on Google Sidewiki)

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