Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Over 17,000 species threatened by extinction

Isn't this a metaphor for the human condition? Are humans part of that endangered species list?

in reference to:

"The Switzerland-based group surveyed 47,677 animals and plants for this year's "Red List" of endangered species, determining that 17,291 of them are at risk of extinction. More than one in five of all known mammals, over a quarter of reptiles and 70 percent of plants are under threat, according to the survey, which featured over 2,800 new species compared with 2008. "These results are just the tip of the iceberg," said Craig Hilton-Taylor, who manages the list. He said many more species that have yet to be assessed could also be under serious threat."
- Over 17,000 species threatened by extinction (view on Google Sidewiki)

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