Friday, November 13, 2009

S.C. GOP castigates Lindsey Graham

It shows how intolerant the Republicans have become. Bipartisanship is now taboo within the GOP.

in reference to:

"GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham’s decision to work with Senate Democratic leaders on cap-and-trade legislation has sparked a mutiny back home, culminating in an scathing rebuke from the Republican Party in one of the most populous counties in the South Carolina. In a harshly-worded resolution approved Monday, the Charleston County Republican Party condemned Graham for undermining “Republican leadership and party solidarity for his own benefit” and tarnishing “the ideals of freedom, rule of law, and fiscal conservatism.” The resolution recited a litany of grievances against Graham beyond his position on climate change legislation. “Graham has shown a condescending attitude toward his constituents by calling them ‘bigots’ when they opposed his stance on amnesty for illegal aliens,” read one portion of the resolution."
- S.C. GOP castigates Lindsey Graham - Andy Barr - (view on Google Sidewiki)

1 comment:

Tom Degan said...

Why don't they just rename themselves the "Tea Party" and be done with it?

When the grand old party was handed over to the lunatic fringe of American politics at their convention in the summer of 1964, it was only a matter of time before it was destroyed from within. Who would have thought it would take forty-five years for that to happen? Better late than ever, I suppose - but DAMN! Did they have to take the rest of us down with them?

In his column in Monday's New York Times, the usually astute Paul Krugman ended that morning's piece with this rare (for him) clunker:

"The point is that the takeover of the Republican Party by the irrational right is no laughing matter. Something unprecedented is happening here - and it's very bad for America."

No, Paul! BAD PAUL! What is happening here is very good for America! Can't you see? The Republican Party - the party of Strom Thurmond, Jerry Fallwell, Jesse Helms and Ronald Reagan - IS IN THE PROCESS OF COMMITTING SUICIDE! There is no other way to describe what is now happening to them! Paul Krugman, I admire you as much as any writer I can think of - but you must understand that this will not be "very bad for America". Trust me on this one, okay? Good Paul!

The implosion continues....

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY