Saturday, November 14, 2009

Transcript: The O'Reilly Factor (11-13-09)

Read a partial transcript for Bill O'Reilly's Factor (11-13-09). Excerpt below:

O'REILLY: You're missing the point. The lawyers for Mohammed are going to make the trial about the CIA and the Bush administration. Is that what you want?

SESTAK: Absolutely not. This is about justice. These men took down people. I was assigned to the Pentagon when it happened. I -- as you well know, when after them in Afghanistan headed Deep Blue, the Navy's anti- terrorism unit. But what I also defended was the ideals of this nation. Our court systems are strong enough.

O'REILLY: So you don't believe in military tribunals?

SESTAK: That is a show piece down in Gitmo.

O'REILLY: You don't believe in military tribunals?

SESTAK: In Gitmo right now, we're creating more terrorists outside the walls than we can keep in...

O'REILLY: In general as a military man, and the congressman was a naval officer, you don't believe in military tribunals?

SESTAK: Me? Oh, absolutely.

O'REILLY: Okay, so I think this is the perfect class..

SESTAK: I think they're appropriate at the time and place for what the Supreme Court said twice.

O'REILLY: All right, so this is the classic case that they should be using.

SESTAK: (INAUDIBLE) that they have been constructed did not give them the proper evidentiary rules that a civilized nation would provide a person.

O'REILLY: All right, now.

SESTAK: So then they've redone them. We just redid it in the NDAA, the Defense Authorization bill to try to make them better.

O'REILLY: I still think, look.

SESTAK: But as we've done hundreds.

O'REILLY: .if you look at the history of military tribunals.

SESTAK: .let's bring them home and put them right away in jail.

O'REILLY: If you look at the history of military trials from Nuremberg to Bosnia to 9/11, this fits. Now you're a New York guy. You're the New York congressman.


O'REILLY: You know the suffering of the 9/11 families.


O'REILLY: You can't possibly think the 9/11 families want this?

WEINER: Well, some of them do.


WEINER: Some of them may want.

O'REILLY: It's 9 to 1, 10 to 1.

WEINER: Some of them may want a chance to have their moment in court as well. Some -- I'm not exactly sure I understand what the concern is here. If the concern is that this guy's not going to get put to death, I don't think you have to worry about that. We have the best prosecutors in the world that are going to be on this case. I trust that we'll be able to keep this city safe. We have the best police officers in the world. What is the concern ? Is the concern now after eight years finally we're doing what the Bush administration.

O'REILLY: The concern is it's a circus and that it helps al Qaeda recruiting.

WEINER: You're going to have a trial.


WEINER: Trials are sometimes not, are sometimes not tidy, but the outcome is what I care about it. And I want this guy put to death. Or even better yet.

O'REILLY: Well, I don't believe in the death penalty.

WEINER: .maybe the best thing should be that this guy gets acquitted and comes to Brooklyn and then get his comeuppance there.

O'REILLY: Okay, but then.

WEINER: But I want this.

O'REILLY: .we'd have to prosecute you.

WEINER: I want this.

O'REILLY: Hold it. Just listen. Rove had a good point where Karl Rove said look, every circus element of the trial, and there will be, and you congressmen both know there will be that, will be front page news in Arabic newspapers all over the world. Those people over there aren't going to get the subtleties of our system. What they're going to hear is the propaganda, Congressman Weiner.

WEINER: No, the entire.

O'REILLY: No, what do you mean no? Of course.


WEINER: This entire trial.


WEINER: .is going to show how the United States, with all of our values, how we mete out justice.

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