Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Robert Gibbs says Leftwing Critics of Obama 'Ought to be Drug Tested'

This amoral administration is figuring that they don't need the left. That explains why Gibbs is constantly giving them the finger. As he did with Speaker Pelosi. They want to appease the ever growing independent vote. Play for the center is the political strategy of most Presidents. Clinton did the same exact thing. The problem is that the left naively believed that Obama was one of them. They fell for the same ole scam Democrats love to play. They make promises intended to win the primaries and then move to the center during the general election. This is the political equivalent of biting the hand that feeds you. In this case the Obama administration is biting the left.

The Obama administration's most public face, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, has tried to climbed down from angry remarks he aimed at leftwing critics, calling them "crazy".

In an interview with The Hill newspaper in Washington DC, Gibbs revealed frustration at attacks on the administration from liberal Democrats and others on the left, in terms likely to make relations even worse:

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