Friday, December 30, 2011

Jason Salzman: The 99 Percent: Income Inequality by the Numbers

Jason Salzman: The 99 Percent: Income Inequality by the Numbers

So, here's a crib sheet for anyone writing about Occupy in 2012.

Income Inequality: Occupy by the Numbers

Percentage of our nation's wealth owned by the top 1% of earners: 33.8%

Percentage of U.S. wealth owned by the bottom 50% of Americans: 2.5%.

Percentage of investment assets (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) owned by top 1%: over 50%

Percentage of investment assets owned by the bottom half: 0.5%

Percentage of the nation's personal debt owed by the top 1% in the US: 5%

Percentage of the nation's personal debt owed by the bottom 90% of Americans: 73%


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