Friday, December 23, 2011

Trends analyst Predicted Global Uprisings a Year ago

Governments around the world, including in the U.S., realize that the internet has been essential to the revolutionary movements that are arising in many countries. As a result they might try to limit the freedoms that exist. That would be disastrous for those of us who are fighting to bring change to our countries. It's already happening in America. We must prepare for the worst. All freedom seekers must develop strategies for dealing with our governments' attempt to shut us down. Democracy must be defended at all costs since the alternative is tyranny:

A trends analyst who made his reputation by predicting the 2008 economic crash appears to have scored again — at least in part.

A year ago, Gerald Celente told Russia Today that 2011 would be marked both by young people around the world coming together on the Internet to combat political and financial corruption and by government attempts to control dissent by shutting down free speech online.

“[The Internet is] exposing the corruptness, the ineptitude and the double dealing going on that [governments] don’t want the public to know about,” Celente told RT in a January 2011 interview. “The more freedom of information that goes out, they’re going to start using cyber war and the war on terror to take that Internet freedom away from America.”

“But in 2011, the game’s gonna run out,” he continued. “On one end, it’s a wake-up call and on the other hand it’s [an effort to] screw the people.”
Full article

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