Sunday, January 22, 2012

5 Ways Poor Dental Care Makes You Sick


Even if you brush your teeth daily, you may still have dangerous bacteria growing inside your mouth. Not only could that lead to periodontitis (an advanced form of gum disease that comes with symptoms such as bleeding when you brush and gum pain), but studies also find a link between poor oral hygiene and major health issues. Here are some ways that missing the mark on oral care could harm your heath.

It May Hurt Your Heart

People with gum disease are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease compared to those don't have periodontitis. Researchers aren't exactly sure of why this might be, but one theory is that harmful bacteria from your mouth enters your blood stream and attaches to fatty plaques in your heart's blood vessels, leading to inflammation and upping your risk of clots that can trigger heart attacks.


yizhantech said...

People wіth diabetes аrе more lіkеlу tο hаνе periodontal disease thаn those without diabetes. Whіlе thіѕ mау bе bесаυѕе diabetics аrе more susceptible tο infections, here’s аlѕο bееn research thаt finds gum disease сουld mаkе іt harder tο control уουr blood honey, аnd thаt treating іt helps improve diabetes symptoms.

Costa Mesa dentist

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your view on poor dental care, it is important to visit your dentist within six month. This will help you in monitoring the dental problem in early stage.

Dr. Douglas Barker said...

If sticking to improved oral health routines isn’t reversing gum disease symptoms, you likely have a more advanced infection where deep, hard-to-reach bacteria pockets have formed around the base of your teeth. A >deep cleaning by a dentist or periodontist every 6 months is the best way to rid your mouth of tartar.