All the talk is about Santorum's success in Iowa. Many are talking about him as if he were a serious threat to Romney. But the former Pennsylvania Senator has done so well because he avoided scrutiny leading up to the Iowa Caucus. The list of flavors-of-the-week is long: Trump, Cain, Perry, Gingrich, Paul, and now Santorum. And the real winner from the musical chairs has been Romney. All because it allowed him to hide in the background while the frontrunner received the media scrutiny.
Romney will win New Hampshire next week. This means he will have won the first two primaries. No one that has won both Iowa and New Hampshire has failed to gain the nomination of their party.
The press has for the last few days been hyping Santorum's surge just as they've done with the other flavors-of-the-week. They seem not to learn. The media is desperately seeking a story. And there isn't one.
Romney will win the nomination.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Santorum is only the latest flavor of the Week
8:55 AM
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