Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Could Bush Administration Arrogance Lead to War with Russia?

It isn't being discussed very much. We could be on the verge of military conflict with Russia. And there doesn't seem to be anyone suggesting that we should be trying to avoid confrontation with what was once the Soviet Union. Some have warned about a new "cold war." But the consensus is that we should force Russia to leave Georgia alone. What isn't discussed is that it is hypocritical to tell the Russians to stop invading a neighbor when our own government invaded Iraq similarly under false pretenses. You don't hear Putin demand that the U.S. military pull out of Baghdad. And what makes the Bush administration think that he could tell Russia how to behave when we don't have the military wherewithal to intimidate the Russians. We are bogged down fighting two wars already. War with Russia would be positively insane. The White House is contemplating sending military aid to the Georgian Republic. That is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately Barack Obama isn't urging caution. What he should be saying is that the U.S. must attempt to put international pressure on Russia to leave but no demanding. He should also point out that Bush meddling in Eastern Europe has led to bitter feelings in Russia and precipitated the confrontation.

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