Thursday, January 19, 2012

ABC’s Brian Ross: Gingrich ‘bombshell’ a request for ‘an open marriage’ with ex-wife

Like I said before, Newt Gingrich is a pig:

A Thursday night, ABC “Nightline” interview with former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s second ex-wife, Marianne Gingrich, is set to reveal that Gingrich asked her for an open marriage so that he could carry on an affair with one of his staffers, current wife Calista Gingrich.

The allegation was revealed by ABC’s Brian Ross on “Morning Majority,” a radio show on WMAL in Washington, D.C. The interview, set to air on Thursday night, could perhaps have an immediate impact on the contest for the Republican presidential nomination.
Gingrich is not denying the charge:
Newt Gingrich sought an "open marriage," his former wife, Marianne, told ABC News in an interview airing tonight.

Marianne Gingrich told ABC's Nightline that the former House speaker asked her if he could remain married to her while also seeing another woman, Callista Bisek, his current wife.

Marianne Gingrich added that she doesn't think Gingrich has the moral character to be president.

Before excerpts were released, Gingrich dismissed the interview airing tonight as an old story that isn't particularly newsworthy.

The former House speaker told NBC's Today show this morning: "I'm not going to say anything negative. I think the people who have known me a long time are credible on my character."
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