Saturday, January 9, 2010

Congress' unfinished business: jobs, immigration, Guantanamo

And it will remain unfinished. That's why we need to term limit these clowns come November 2nd. They are obviously not listening. So we need to send them a message they will hear loud and clear.

in reference to:

"Reporting from Washington - Congress is returning to work to try to complete some unfinished business -- and take on some new initiatives in the time before lawmakers turn their attention to the November elections.All 435 members of the House and one-third of the Senate are up for reelection this year, creating a charged partisan environment. Many lawmakers will want to dodge controversial votes that can be used against them by their election opponents. That is particularly true in the House, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) has pledged to protect her endangered Democratic majority after a 2009 that saw moderate Democrats take politically risky votes on the stimulus package, a cap-and-trade energy bill, financial regulatory reform and healthcare."
- Congress' unfinished business: jobs, immigration, Guantanamo - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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