Saturday, January 9, 2010

GOP senators write Obama letter objecting to alleged bomber's trial

These shameless politicians are still playing politics with national security. Didn't the show bomber get a civilian trial? This is pure grandstanding. The Republicans have as a strategy trying to undermine this president. It is unprecedented. They are literally hoping for a terror attack as a way to get into power. You didn't have Democrats using 9-11 to attack Republicans. And the GOP kept control of Congress after that terrible event 8 years ago.

in reference to:

"More than 20 Republican senators wrote a letter to President Barack Obama on Friday objecting to the administration’s decision to try terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in civilian courts. The GOP senators want the 23-year-old Nigerian accused of trying to bomb a Northwest Airlines jet tried in military courts and declared an enemy combatant. By bringing Abdulmutallab before a judge and allowing him to face charges, critics say, the administration is missing an opportunity to interrogate him more thoroughly."
- GOP senators write Obama letter objecting to alleged bomber's trial - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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